BETA 0.2.5 - August 15, 2024 -Radiant wormhole chance in main is now 0.3% (previously 1%) -Radiant wormhole chance is now 2% in crossroads -Movement speed decreases less with size BETA 0.2.4 - August 12, 2024 -Buffed crossroads and abyss shape spawns -Nerfed ffa, 2teams, and 4teams shape spawns -Added FOV buffs to some bodies -Modified the appearance of some bodies -Fixed 2teams team changing when respawning -Buffed global trap launch speed -Buffed Alpha BETA 0.2.3 - July 23, 2024 -Abyss Hallway abysslings now have a speed limit -2 Teams will now have random teams instead of only red and blue BETA 0.2.2 - July 16, 2024 -Buffed engineer class tanks -Optimized debug menu -Added static camera keybind (Y) -Fixed respawn at level NaN message -Fixed filled walls line width being inconsistent -Decreased ai amount BETA 0.2.1 - July 9, 2024 -Increased polygons in main dims by 2x (200 to 400) -Polygon count in Free For All now scales with map area instead of map size -Ascention gates no longer destroy polygons (but still destroy bullets) -Abyss Hallway Abysslings are now less heavy -Streamliner penetration nerf (1 to 0.8) -Added generator8 to generator12 -Added generator-1 to generator-5 -Bullet Speed Stat now applies to polygon spawners -Improved Fallen AI BETA 0.1.20 - June 2, 2024 -Radiant score dupe no longer affects respawn xp or leaderboard scores -Added anti-ddos protections BETA 0.1.19 - May 26, 2024 -Radiant values over 100 are no longer allowed -Fixed tank sizes not syncing between server and client -Fixed some tanks hitboxes being stuck at a fixed size -Added /access and /removeaccess commands BETA 0.1.18 - May 18, 2024 -Aura borders are now thinner and more opaque -Portals are a little bigger and have thinner borders BETA 0.1.17 - April 28, 2024 -Fixed FOV being too small -Added camera drag -Optimized client rendering -Added a new achievement BETA 0.1.16 - April 16, 2024 -Ascending in crossroads now makes you invincible for a short time -Bullets now die when they touch ascension gates -Changed crossroads generator algorithm -Fixed bug causing create account to not work BETA 0.1.15 - April 14, 2024 -Buffed star fov and detect range -Score lost when dying is less now, and depends on what killed you -Star gain is now calculated based on actions in game -Flamethrower reload and damage nerf, aura size buff -Celestials will spawn away from players in main dimensions -Buffed healing auras BETA 0.1.14 - March 28, 2024 -Fixed a bug causing fast bullets to do more damage than intended -Added tank sections --Very buggy, will fix later -Fixed bug causing bullets to be able to go through gates when they shouldn't -Buffed trap health by 70% -Buffed celestial movement speed by 7% -Fixed server freezing every few minutes BETA 0.1.13 - March 23, 2024 -Fixed a bug that caused turrets to not rotate -Added pathfinding BETA 0.1.12 - March 18, 2024 -Added tank sections -Fixed a bug that caused radiant objects to show on leaderboard with a higher score than they should -Fixed a bug that caused the bullet damage stat upgrade to not work --Lowered bullet damage back to before BETA 0.1.11 BETA 0.1.11 - March 13, 2024 -Fixed celestials being a slightly different size between server and client -Nerfed all minion speed by 30% -Increased weight of drones and traps -Increased all bullet damage by 70% BETA 0.1.10 - March 10, 2024 -Healing speed no longer increases with level -Nerfed all healing auras -Added server restart animation BETA 0.1.9 - March 5, 2024 -Added ambient particles in Crossroads and Abyss -Added /quit command to disconnect from a server -Lowered damage that bullets do to each other by 2.5x -New event, play it in event --Complete the obstacle course to get a chance of getting radiant BETA 0.1.8 - March 2, 2024 -Field of view buffed 1.25x -Lowered max polygon count in Abyss and Abyss Hallway BETA 0.1.7 - February 27, 2024 -Screenshots are now packed more efficiently and compressed -Fixed being able to earn Oh Node!, Classic, and Pristine achievements by respawning at a high level --You must start at level 1 to get each of these -You can now view when an account was last online -Abyss Guardian AI changed -Nerfed Abyss Guardian damage and penetration -Added ambient particles in Crossroads and Abyss -Fixed server halting bug BETA 0.1.6 - February 23, 2024 -Added most achievements from -Added celestials killed and ascentions count in account data -Passwords are now hashed with SHA256 -Fixed bug causing wall desyncs -You can now take screenshots by pressing J --These will be copied to clipboard as a long string --You can view screenshots by pressing K after opening the tab --You can view the default menu screenshots by pressing L -You can now set account descriptions by using /description BETA 0.1.5 - February 16, 2024 -Prevented the spawning of non integer sided polygons -Patched polygons becoming 1 or 2 sided polygons in a small map -Fixed map boundraries not having the right amount of margin -Added wall manipulation commands --/createwall (creates a wall and drags it) --/wallsize (sets the width and height of the wall that is currently being dragged) --/removewall (removes the wall matching the id) --/dragwall (drags the wall matching the id) -You can now use /mapsize to make the map gradually change size --/mapsize (stops map shrink or growth, does not change size) --/mapsize (sets the current size of the map, if shrinking or growing it will continue) --/mapsize (gradually changes map size to the first parameter at a speed of the second parameter) BETA 0.1.4 - February 12, 2024 -Radiant triangles now spawn every 5 to 15 minutes --Before it was 5 to 75 minutes -Tanks spawning in Free For All now spawn away from other tanks -Buffed Abyss Guardian health 2 times -Nerfed Abyss Guardian damage 2 times -Removed peacekeepers for now BETA 0.1.3 - February 7, 2024 -Peacekeepers might randomly spawn and do nothing --They might try to kill you though -Buffed damaging auras --Objects halfway in the aura take more damage than before -Global drone speed nerf (only a little) -Celestial field of view nerf BETA 0.1.2 - February 5, 2024 -Global trap penetration nerf: 8 to 6 -Global max trap buff: 2 to 3 -Celestial nerf (max health, body damage, bullet damage) --About 10% less of each -Triangles now spawn at crossroads gates every 5 to 35 minutes -Radiant gates stay open for 75 seconds when opened insteaf of 15 -Wormholes in main dims have a small chance of leading to the Abyss --These will appear like regular wormholes but radiant --Rupturing the wormhole will not affect where it goes, but lower level players can enter -Nerfed placeholderD custom traps (damage, reload and penetration) BETA 0.1.1 - February 2, 2024 -Save codes now can be used for 45 seconds -Fixed bug allowing players to possess other tanks -Fixed bug causing save codes to sometimes not work -Page now shows warning when trying to close it -Tanks that are already in a dimension no longer emit spawn particles when you spawn -Some non player tanks including fallen tanks can travel between dimensions -Free For All map size now changes depending on how many players are currently in the map BETA 0.1.0 - January 30, 2024 -Lots of server side changes to increase performance --Lots of commands are broken now --Fixed some -Added new underpowered tank for testing: Flamethrower --Upgrades from engineer and beta -Save codes are now 15 seconds only -You can now create your own servers using the server template --Link in discord announcements -Fixed two bullets coming out of each barrel when upgrading -Limited amount of traps that trap launchers and custom trap launchers can have -Fixed bug causing custom trap penetration to be 25% higher than intended -t3 celestials are now unlocked at level 120 instead of 105 -Nerfed abyss guardian drop score to 2b -Your tank's name and level is now hidden -Fixed bugs with wormholes BETA 0.0.9 - January 11, 2024 -Save code is now automatically copied to clipboard -Added camera shake -Abyss guardian is always shown on minimap BETA 0.0.8 - January 6, 2024 -You now get kicked if you don't ping the server for 10 seconds -Bullets die when touching an invincible player -Wormholes can no longer spawn in bases -Wormhole spawn chance in main 10% to 30% -Invincible players now lose their invincibility 5 seconds after moving or shooting -New command: /vanish -Nerfed base defender damage 0.5 to 0.05 -Abyss guardian movement speed buffed 8 to 15 -Abyss guardian body damage nerfed 3.5 to 1.5 -Abyss guardian now sometimes is passive -Turret detect range for small turrets is larger -Added a secret type of polygon -Fixed leaderboard bug causing some tanks to not render BETA 0.0.7 - January 3, 2024 -If a tank spawns too many times they need to solve the captcha again -Added turret rotation limit --Star turrets now are limited to 1.5 radians -Star turrets now fire staggered BETA 0.0.6 - December 30, 2023 -Added captcha -Polygons despawn after 10 minutes if they havn't taken damage and have full health -Added a little surprise in the FFA dimension -Fixed tank kill messages ending with undefined -Capped tank size at 1000 -Entering portals now makes them change colors and emit particles -New command: /antilag --Removes all bullets, polygons, and non-static, non-player tanks -New command: /antibot --Removes all non-static tanks under level 17 -New command: /getip --Only works on non-admin tanks under level 17 -Added tank editor -Added tank render on respawn screen -Abyss guardian no longer takes damage from shapes --Polygons spawn at a higher radiance level for 5 minutes after it dies --It respawns after 5 minutes -Added server select box BETA 0.0.5 - December 25, 2023 -Upgrading Regeneration now increases healing aura healing -Healing Aura stack nerfed -Tanks farther away from you are harder to see on the minimap -Minimap doesn't show in crossroads and abyss -Fallen celestials can't enter the sanctuary -Fixed bug causing tank team to change when using restore code -Drones move 20% faster -Nerfed fountain --Body damage 2.35 to 1.95 --Healing 1.25 to 1.175 BETA 0.0.4 - December 22, 2023 -Polyhedra now have a 1% chance of spawning every 10 seconds -Each time polyhedra spawns, it might be a: --1 in 2 chance: Tetrahedron (1b) --1 in 4 chance: Cube (3b) --1 in 8 chance: Octahedron (9b) --1 in 16 chance: Dodecahedron (27b) --1 in 16 chance: Icosahedron (81b) -Tanks now spawn out of the prime celestial's player spawners instead of at the center -Abysslings no longer attack invincible tanks -Invincible tanks can enter wormholes -Increased gate thickness to 30 -Fixed celestial upgrades rendering with base instead of celestial -Fixed long names breaking into multiple lines -Fixed exploit allowing names to be longer than the maximum limit BETA 0.0.3 - December 21, 2023 -Added save codes --If you get disconnected, you can use the code to get your tank back --If you don't close the tab, it will automatically try to restore using the code if disconnected -Abyss main area portal is smaller --Drones no longer get stuck when spawning -Abyss Hallway portals are smaller -Minimap now displays arrows with colors representing the team -If an Abyssling is killed in the Abyss Hallway, they get angry BETA 0.0.2 - December 17, 2023 -Max drones now increase with bullet penetration (max 1.5x) -Wormholes no longer spawn out of the Abyss main area exit box -Aura damage now increases with reload, bullet damage, and bullet penetration (max 2x each, max 8x all) -Aura healing now increases with reload -Less large polygons spawn in main dimensions -Nerfed celestial health (6 to 4) -Nerfed regen speed increase with level BETA 0.0.1 - December 12, 2023 -Added FOV culling -Patched exploit that let players upgrade to any weapon or body -Nerfed Fountain aura size (7 to 6.5) -Fixed opacity of Forge, Foundry and Fountain auras (0.3 to 0.2) -Added entity target selectors -Fixed maxhealth and body damage upgrades not working -Fixed celestials spawning at NaN in teams gamemodes -Nerfed base defender's range -Game can now be played at